Monday, January 14, 2008

RoushStudios & Portraits

Although I haven't concentrated on doing high level portraiture in the recent past years I've felt like I'd like to start to do it again. Portraiture at certain levels isn't much fun; running a sports team across in front of your camera for instance. However, when one can choose the type of portraiture and give it the attention it should have it can be very rewarding for both the photographer and the person you are photographing.
Take a look at and take particular notice of the photos of the pregnant woman and her husband. These photographs were truly a joy to shoot and everyone loves them. My wife Mitzie Roush helped on this shoot, and in cases like this where isn't really a direction to follow it's nice to have some creative input.
She's an accomplished photographer and will soon have images up on our stock photo site I do miss her help in the studio, she's a great "idea person". There was a day when she worked fulltime with me there, but now she's concentrating on other interests, and her absence has taken a toll on me for sure.
None the less, my point is this, shoot portraiture that you want to shoot...not what your competitors shoot.
Good luck!

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