Sunday, August 17, 2008

Roush Studios is open for business

Finally, after all the fun of moving, Roush Studios is back in gear and open for business. Our new location in Dyersburg so far has been great. It's an easy to find location right on a main artery in Dyersburg Tennessee. My wife, Mitzie Roush, is happy of course being it's her home town.

We've already scheduled a few photography workshops for students and photography clubs in the West Tennessee area. Photographers from Memphis and Nashville have called to join a few of the different programs we're offering. Along with these group programs we are still offering our private photography lessons to any one who would like to sign up.

We're putting a new emphasis on our retail business and now are offering Custom Fine Art Portraiture along with our Commercial Advertising Photography services. If you check our web sites you'll see our portraiture is different, much more personal and artistic than the normal "potrait photo / take a number" studios.

We'll be posting some new images on all of our websites soon as we slowly make the transition in this new retail location. So, keep an eye on two of our newer web sites - and as we add brand new images to both.

Thanks for reading. Any comments are welcome.

Jeff & Mitzie Roush

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